
This blog has been created with the purpose of helping ESL students achieve their goals in speaking, reading, writing, listening, and learning the English language. Through the different postings and pages, visitors will be able to practice English and read about community news and events. This blog also serves as a forum for students and teachers to post their comments and share their work projects and accomplishments.
Thanks for visiting us and for being a member of the CCCC community.

6 easy steps to make a comment in this blog:

Step 1: Find the title of the post you like to comment about. For example, “Welcome!!”

Step 2: Look to the right side and find a speech bubble. Click on it.

Step 3: Type your comment in the box that says “Leave a Reply”

Step 4: Enter your e-mail address or “esl@yahoo.com”

Step 5: Enter your first name

WEBSITE:  Leave it blank

Step 6: Click on “Post Comment” and you’re done!

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hola buen dia tengo varias consultas.

    Por favor podrian informarme si para las clases en horario de 6:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. tienen transporte para las personas?

    Cuando inician los cursos?

    Hay que presentar alguna documentación para inscribirse en los cursos?

    Agradecere mucho su envio de información a mi correo.


    • Jina: Lamentablemente las clases de ESL por la tarde no tienen un servicio de transporte. La próxima inscripción será el lunes 17 de junio a las 6pm. Sería posible que me enviase un email con su teléfono a jherbon@cccc.edu?
      Con todo gusto le hablaré con más detalles sobre nuestro programa a mi regreso de vacaciones.
      Julia Herbon

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